What is Human Leadership? And, why is Human Leadership important?

Human Leadership is the journey of evolving how you live and lead.

Human Leadership creates healthy workplace cultures so people, business and communities can thrive.

Human Leadership comprises of three Core Pillars: Self-Leadership, Leading Others and Radical Responsibility.

And within these Core Pillars contains nine Core Components:

Self-Leadership: Internal Self Awareness, Empowered Agency and Emotional Wisdom

Leading Others: External Self Awareness, Mindful Communication and Cultivating Connection

Radical Responsibility: Continuous Evolution, Wellbeing and Personal Accountability

When a person develops themselves in these three core pillars they can deepen their ability in Human Leadership, and more successfully lead themselves and others from a place of personal insight alignment, and have greater impact.

Human Leaders Framework

The first Core Pillar of Human Leadership is Self-Leadership

Self-Leadership is: doing the continuous work of understanding yourself more deeply so you can actively move towards your future vision with authenticity.

It comprises of three Core Components, that set you on the course for more authentic and impactful leadership.

Internal Self Awareness: Knowing and staying attuned to your authentic self.

Emotional Wisdom: Tapping into signals and wise guidance from emotions.

Empowered Agency: Taking discerning action to have the impact you desire.

As you become self-aware, you’re able to take empowered action to align who you are, and how you want to lead, with your actual impact.

When people develop their Self-Leadership, they experience the benefits of:

  • Better decision making

  • Improved self-awareness and confidence

  • Higher EQ

  • Greater degree of autonomy

The second Core Pillar of Human Leadership is Leading Others

Leading Others is: Building the skills to nurture strong, healthy interpersonal connections so you foster safe, innovative work environments.

It comprises of three Core Components and is where our leadership starts to directly impact those around us as we improve relationships and align our intention with our impact.

External Self Awareness: Aligning your intentions with the actual impact you have.

Mindful Communication: Listening and sharing to consciously drive connection.

Cultivating Connection: Building authentic and trusting relationships.

Leading Others does not mean managing people. It’s a complex and ever-changing skill set which requires open-minded commitment to learning and rethinking.

When people develop their ability to Lead Others, they experience the benefits of:

  • Improved ability to give and receive feedback

  • mindful communication skills for more effective relationship building

  • Increased ability to foster collaboration

  • More authenticity and empathy

The third Core Pillar of Human Leadership is Radical Responsibility

Radical Responsibility is: Taking total ownership for how you live and lead. You hold yourself accountable for your actions, thoughts and beliefs and their consequences and stay open to relearning and growing on your journey.

Radical Responsibility comprises of three Core Components and is how we create impact through Human Leadership. It's where we translate our leadership of self and others into meaningful change in the world around us.

Personal Accountability: Holding yourself answerable for all outcomes in your life.

Wellbeing: Fiercely prioritising your own health to manage stress and thrive.

Continuous Evolution: Embracing the ongoing learning journey of life and leadership.

Radical Responsibility is the true final piece of integrating who we are with how we show up as Human Leaders

When people develop their Radical Responsibility, they experience the benefits of:

  • Improved relationship with self

  • Better foundational levels of wellbeing

  • Higher personal accountability and agency

  • Improved self-acceptance

  • Increased ability to adapt and evolve

The Components of Radical Responsibility

Why do we need Human Leadership in our workplace?

The state of work is challenging for many leaders and organisations right now. Employees are suffering with burnout, they’re disengaged and individual wellbeing is suffering. The data shows us that:

People are disengaged: Up to 85% of people are disengaged at work, with 30% actively seeking a new role outside their organization. Creating purpose, meaning and connection through Human Leaders workshops ensures engagement, motivation and loyalty.

People are unhappy: 53% of people are unhappy in their jobs with 1 in 3 saying they can’t trust their employer. Wellbeing at work has never been more important. Human Leadership helps people develop the skills – and your team develop the culture – they need to feel better at, and about, work.

Creativity and innovation are suffering: Creativity and innovation are essential to business survival and ability to thrive. Data shows us that when people are stressed, overworked or burned out creativity and innovation plummet. Human Leadership helps you shape a healthy work culture, so people can tap into their creativity and innovation. Through our Human Leaders workshops, your people develop the skills and confidence they need to be their most creative and collaborative selves.

Psychological Safety is critical: Psychological Safety is an imperative precursor to people doing their best work. When people don’t feel safe to talk about what really matters, engagement suffers. And creativity, belonging and profits with it. Through the powerful lens of Human Leadership, people develop the skills they need to foster and nourish a safe work culture.

A focus on human outcomes, improves business outcomes: Research shows that improving human outcomes in business improves the triple bottom line: people, planet and profit. By engaging Human Leadership to shift leadership and culture, you see direct returns and sustainable, positive change.

The moral imperative: And Human Leadership is just the right thing to do. There’s a moral imperative, too. As a Human Leader, you believe in putting people and purpose before profit. Not just because the data shows it positively impacts the bottom line – but because it matters. It feels intrinsically right. And that’s an important reason, too.

Human Leadership has a transformative power to support organisations to overcome these people challenges by creating organisational cultures where people can thrive, lead by Human Leaders who inspire, and care for their people.

How does Human Leadership benefit the individual leader?

Human Leadership fuels individual, and team, transformation and growth. Adopting Human Leadership in your team benefits both individuals and team effectiveness. Here are some of the measurable outcomes you can expect:

The benefits of Human Leadership to individuals:

  • Better decision making, confidence and self-awareness

  • Increased communication skills and relationship building capacity

  • Heightened empathy and ability to create safe work environment

How does Human Leadership benefit the team and the organisation?

Human Leadership creates a workplace that has an engaging, connective culture that people don’t want to leave, with leaders at all levels who evolve and inspire everyday.

Teams who choose to develop a organisational culture of Human Leadership can expect to benefit from:

  • Improved performance and productivity

  • Better collaboration, problem solving and conflict resolution

  • Greater psychological safety resulting in innovation and creativity

  • Improved Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) sensitivity

Quite simply, through building an organisational culture with Human Leadership at the core, people feel a heightened sense of psychological safety, motivation and engagement in their work. And as a result team performance improves, innovation and collaboration are increased, and people will thrive in your organisational culture. It’s a win-win-win, with Human Leadership people thrive, business thrives and our communities thrive too.

Healthy work culture starts with Human Leadership.

How do you bring Human Leadership into your organisation and workplace culture?

The old way of working isn’t working anymore. People are disengaged, burning out and looking for something different. Something more. Something authentic.

At Human Leaders support leaders and teams to overcome these challenges together and build healthy cultures where people and business thrive. We do this through Human Leadership.

Our approach is different to traditional leadership development. We support individuals to connect to themselves, evolve their leadership and skilfully lead and impact others. That's why the growth Human Leadership fuels is so transformative.

Here’s the three ways you can work with Human Leaders to bring Human Leadership into your workplace:

Human Leadership Workshops:

3 x 2-hour interactive workshops (online or in person) delving into the 3 Core Pillars of Human Leadership (Self-Leadership, Leading Others and Radical Responsibility)

Our 3-part Human Leadership workshop series delves into the 3 Core Pillars of Human Leadership. Our workshops:

  • Drive better communication and deeper connection

  • Increase innovation and collaboration

  • Create a healthier workplace culture

  • Drive growth and meaningful change for individuals

  • Are fun, inspiring and engaging

Team Culture Sessions:

Let’s build a great workplace culture, together.

Great culture is not a switch you can flick: it’s an outcome of intentional Human Leadership. And yet, if you don’t intentionally create a healthy culture, you’ll be left with a toxic one.

We help teams and organizations foster a healthy culture. A workplace where people want to stay. Our workplace culture workshops:

  • Uncover the roadblocks to a healthy workplace culture

  • Redevelop what a healthy culture looks like to your team

  • Create a shared sense of ownership of healthy workplace culture

Specific People and Culture Needs:

We work with many clients who have unique needs: A leadership issue. A stagnant team. An onboarding process that is falling short. You name it. Or perhaps you can’t even name it. That’s fine too.

Our custom services often involve a thorough analysis and diagnosis – and an expertly mapped path forward.

Are you experiencing a complex issue (or issues)?

Don’t be shy. We love a challenge. Reach out.

How do Human Leaders transform workplaces with Human Leadership?

Our approach to Human Leadership moves beyond traditional leadership development to connect people to themselves. That's why the growth Human Leadership fuels is so transformative.

To do this, we use always-evolving, evidence-based practices rooted in:

  • Neuroscience

  • Leadership philosophy

  • Mindfulness

  • Cognitive Behavioural Science

  • Positive psychology

  • Yoga and meditation

  • and more.

Human Leadership is the most critical leadership skills now, and of the future. Whether your organisation is in tech, healthcare, education or professional services, Human Leadership has the capacity to drive better business outcomes at all levels.


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