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You Belong Here: The Power of Being Seen, Heart and Valued on Your Own Terms with Kim Dabbs
Sally Clarke Sally Clarke

You Belong Here: The Power of Being Seen, Heart and Valued on Your Own Terms with Kim Dabbs

Belonging is often thought of in an external context: belonging to others, community, a workplace. Global expert in belonging and purpose, and Global Vice President of ESG and Social Innovation at Steelcase, Kim Dabbs takes a different view. Namely, that belonging is first and foremost a journey of inner work to belong to yourself. This radical reframe of belonging immediately caught our attention at We are Human Leaders. And in the latest podcast episode, we speak with Kim and unpack her incredible new best-selling book, “You Belong Here: the Power of Being Seen, Heard and Valued on Your Own Terms.”

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Mastering The Art of Insubordination: A Conversation with Todd Kashdan
Sally Clarke Sally Clarke

Mastering The Art of Insubordination: A Conversation with Todd Kashdan

The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent and Defy Effectively

In the latest episode of the We are Human Leaders podcast, we learn how to dissent and defy effectively with Dr. Todd B. Kashdan, Professor of Psychology at George Mason University and author of The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent and Defy Effectively.

During this thought-provoking and inspiring conversation, Todd shares the language and the tools to not only understand how to challenge norms in our workplaces and societies, but support and amplify the voices of others doing the same.

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Heal to Lead: How Integrating Trauma will Uplevel your Leadership
Sally Clarke Sally Clarke

Heal to Lead: How Integrating Trauma will Uplevel your Leadership

If you think trauma has no impact on leadership, think again.

In the latest episode of We are Human Leaders, we speak to author, coach and sought-after speaker Kelly L. Campbell about their powerful new book, Heal to Lead on the importance of integrating your trauma for leaders at work and beyond.

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Survive, Reset, Thrive: Leading Growth in Uncertain Times
Alexis Zahner Alexis Zahner

Survive, Reset, Thrive: Leading Growth in Uncertain Times

Even the most experienced business strategists should be rethinking strategy and execution during volatility. In this article we explore Dr Rebecca Homkes Survive-Reset-Thrive framework gives organizations and leaders a new model to continue growth even through the most uncertain of times.

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Performative Equity gets kicked to the curb with pay transparency data
Alexis Zahner Alexis Zahner

Performative Equity gets kicked to the curb with pay transparency data

In the wake of the gender pay gap data revealing a startling gap still existing between men and women, it’s time we kick performative equity to the curb once and for all.

Ensuring that workplace initiatives are designed to target root causes of inequity, are data driven and transparent help us do this.

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