Why is Emotional Intelligence such a critical skill to master?

Emotional Intelligence, that is understanding and using our emotions and the emotions of others is critical in self-mastery. By increasing our EQ we’re also more capability of driving personal evolution and change.

Whether you're running towards new goals with gusto, or feeling overwhelmed by the notion of starting them, know this; change isn't a one and done.

And, sometimes the hardest changes don't come from doing anything, instead they require our patience, acceptance and non-striving.

If there's anything mindfulness has taught me through my ten years of practice, it's that sustainable change isn't found in frenetic energy and sharp bursts. But rather in the slow, incremental moments of choosing to do things differently.

At Human Leaders it's what we call Continuous Evolution.

A critical part of our Continuous Evolution is learning to understand and master our emotions. Emotional Intelligence can look like:

  • Responding with patience to something that previously would have triggered you

  • Choosing to rest rather than to push through when you're exhausted

  • Asking for help rather than soldiering on alone

  • Putting a boundary in place when someone is testing you

To make lasting change, our Emotional Intelligence has to evolve with us. These are signals that you're learning to better understand and use your emotions effectively, and whilst they largely go unnoticed to the outside world - these are some of the MOST transformative changes we can make.

What are you focusing on changing in 2024? Share your comments below.

#change #2024goals #emotionalintelligence #continuousevolution #humanleadership


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