What are the most important leadership skills to build in 2024?

Learn The Key Leadership Attributes for 2024 (and Beyond)

Now is an ideal time to reflect on the leadership skills each of us will need in 2024 as Human Leaders. To guide this reflection, join us as we explore fascinating insights and wisdom from industry experts and thought leaders on the We Are Human Leaders podcast.

Here's the top six leadership skills that will build your Human Leadership capacity in 2024, and beyond:

  • Radical Candor - being able to care personally, while challenging others directly whist remaining sincere and open.

  • Intelligent Failure - the art of failing well to learn and grow from opportunities where thing's haven't gone 'to plan'.

  • Head and Heart-based leadership - combining traits from the head and the heart to be a well-rounded and emotionally intelligent leader.

  • Using influence for change - understanding our personal influence and power and how to effectively use this to drive positive impact.

  • Active listening - the ability to be present to truly see, hear and use communication effectively to drive connection and understanding.

  • Identifying toxic behaviour - the awareness of and ability to address toxic workplace behaviours before they poison culture.

These conversations are your gateway to unlocking your human leadership potential. Learn from the world’s leading experts in Leadership, and build your skill set to connect, motivate and inspire your team in 2024 and beyond.

Listen to the We Are Human Leaders podcast wherever you get your podcasts, and let’s make 2024 truly a year where leadership growth and evolution towards Human Leadership is front and centre.

Let’s thrive, together.

Jason Rosoff: The Power Of Radical Candor At Work (And Beyond)

In a thought-provoking conversation, Jason shares insights on adaptive leadership, radical candor and the importance of embracing change.

Listen to the podcast conversation with Jason Rosoff on how to bring Radical Candor into your leadership here.

Professor Amy C. Edmondson: The Right Kind of Wrong: How to Reframe Failure for Success

Discover the power of psychological safety and intelligent failure in teams with Amy Edmondson.

Listen to Professor Amy Edmondson unpack how to fail intelligently on the episode here.

Dr. Kirstin Ferguson: The Art Of Modern Leadership: Balancing Head And Heart

Join Dr. Kirstin Ferguson as she delves into the key leadership attributes for great leadership and its impact on organizational culture. 

Listen to the podcast conversation with Dr Kirstin Ferguson on understanding your head and heart based leadership traits and how to use them.

Craig Foster AM: From National Captain to Activist: Using Influence to Level The Playing Field

Craig's episode explores the intersection of leadership and advocacy – and the first steps towards having meaningful impact as a leader.

Listen to the full leadership podcast conversation with Craig Foster and how to build inclusivity and use your influence for good here.

Heather R. Younger: Listen Up: How Leaders Can Embrace Active Listening

Uncover the secrets of active listening and how these contribute to engagement, belonging and powerful, people-centered leadership.

Listen to the full conversation with Heather R Younger about the skill of active listening right here.

Charlie Sull: How to Detox a Toxic Work Culture

Charlie's episode is a deep dive into what makes a toxic culture – and the attributes leaders need to create healthy cultures. 

Listen to the full conversation on how to detox a toxic workplace culture with Charlie Sull right here.


Fixing Friction at Work: How to Use Obstacles to Your Advantage for Great Outcomes with Professor Huggy Rao


What is Human Leadership? And, why is Human Leadership important?