The power of visualization

One of the most profound questions a coach once asked me was,

“Imagine yourself, one year from now. Everything is going exactly as you want it to. Describe in detail for me: what does your life look and feel like?” 

And of course the follow up question was, “What will it take to get you there?”

Interestingly, my ideal future wasn’t so far from where I was at the time. My home life looked a little different. My work life, too. And it did not take hugely drastic shifts to get me to where I wanted. 

And yet, that question and the reflection that followed (which I’ll share below) were crucial. By visualizing that future – imagining what life would look, sound and feel like – and coming back to that vision regularly, I was inspired and motivated to take consistent action towards my goals.

Why visualization is so powerful

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, visualization is “the act of visualizing something or someone” or “forming a picture of it in your mind”. It’s like lifting your gaze from the daily minutiae, harnessing your imagination and your deeper desires, and imagining how your life might unfold.

Studies show that visualization works for all groups of people and in all kinds of situations: it can help you to achieve your goals, to imagine your future, and to deal with stress and challenges that might arise along the way.

Where You Want to be in 2023: A Visualization Exercise

Take a moment to reflect on the below exercise with us. The power of visualisation helps us act with intention towards where we want to be, we invite you to try it!

Take a few moments right now to imagine yourself, in one year from now. Everything is going optimally. Write down a few statements as if you are there, present in that moment in 2023, describing how you are. For example,

“I am a strong and empathetic leader, and feel connected and confident in my career.”


“Our company has successfully signed major clients.”


“My team is thriving and our organization is psychologically safe.”


“I am a sought after thought leader in the field of data analytics.”

Be as specific as possible. Imagine details as colorfully and specifically as you can. Describe in detail how your life will look and feel, so it becomes visceral. 

Once you’re clear on what your vision is, it’s time to take the next step. Identify who you need to be to make this happen.

If you’re not quite sure how to get there? We have you covered. Becoming a certified Human Leader in 2023 is a transformational journey as you evolve your leadership and your life. Curious? Learn more at and register now to secure your spot. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


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