How do you find happiness? Use this one simple equation.

Do you know what levers to pull when pursuing happiness?

According to Dr Arthur Brooks many of us approach happiness in all the wrong ways.

We think happiness is a feeling. But, feelings are fleeting so chasing this is like trying to hold smoke in our hands.

Instead Dr Brooks, a Harvard University Professor, gives us an equation that puts our personal happiness firmly back into our own hands - this equation gives us Empowered Agency to create a life where happiness is achievable in our own terms.

The happiness equation offers us something that we can tangible do to help us feel more enjoyment, satisfaction and meaning in our lives - all three resulting in feeling happier.

  1. Enjoyment is where pleasure meets connection with others in a very conscious and intentional way. It's where we do the things that bring us joy, together.

  2. Satisfaction stems from the gratification we get from pursuing things that challenge us - to feel truly satisfied we need effort before reward. Interestingly, Dr Brooks notes that satisfaction stemming from material goals are more fleeting and depreciate more quickly - for example how excited you feel when you drive your new car home, you'll only feel that moment once.

  3. Meaning which we derive from feeling like what we do has purpose, that our lives have significance, and through faith that life has 'coherence' - that is, things happen for a reason.

    Will this radically shift how you pursue happiness in your life? And does it help you to understand where energy can be redirected to help you feel more in control and ultimately, happy about what I spend my time doing.

    What are your thoughts on the happiness equation?


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