What does it take to be a Future Fit organisation? And, how to manage change successfully to get there.

Be Future Fit: Learning the Art of Successful Change Management from the Best

At a time of incredible uncertainty and constant change in the workplace and beyond, understanding the keys to successful change management has never been more important.

In the latest episode of We Are Human Leaders, we speak with Author and Change Management Thought Leader Friska Wirya about how to successfully navigate change in complex work environments. 

In this energising and insight-packed conversation, Friska unpacks numerous key takeaways from her bestselling new book, the Future Fit Organization: a Leader's Guide to Transformation.

In Friska’s experience, the core component of successful change management that is most often underestimated is communication. As she frames it,

“Uncertainty is the norm. So it's important for leaders to be visionary, not just to set and envision a really vivid future state of the organisation, but be able to communicate it in a way that inspires and motivates the team from the boardroom to the shop floor.”

Ongoing learning is essential

When it comes to which skill leaders need to focus on most to drive great results, Friska is adamant: “The most important skill that leaders need today is relational intelligence.” She advises leaders to err on the side of over-communication, as too often, under-communication thwarts even the best of organisational changes. “No communication is worse than over communication, because people will make up stories and those stories are often worst case scenarios.”

She also outlines the importance of ongoing learning at all levels. This means that a great L&D program directly contributes to the Future Fitness of your organisation. “Companies need to invest in helping their people learn, relearn and unlearn,” Friska notes. “We all walk around with behaviours that no longer serve us. And we don't often get the chance to reflect on what these are and intentionally reprogram those behaviours to something that's more productive.” That’s where programs like the Human Leadership foundational workshops can have a significant impact.

Change Management ABC’s for Leaders

The 4S Framework for Change Management 

System: To embed change, systemize it

Support: Secure top down support and complete leadership alignment

Skills: Give people not just technical, but relational skills

Structures: Structurally integrate the new future vision

Learn to Love Change (and Manage it Skilfully), or Suffer the Consequences

In the uncertain times ahead, leaders and organisations that don’t get change right will suffer, if not make themselves obsolete. Friska underscores the point: “Change is not going away anytime soon. It's going to be more complex, far-reaching than ever. By investing in change management capability, you create smoother transitions, less disruptions and quicker time to value.”

About Friska

Friska Wirya has led change at global organizations driving hundreds of millions in annual savings and is now Chief Change Officer at Fresh by Friska. She is the author of the bestselling new book the Future Fit Organization: a Leader's Guide to Transformation


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