Is your leadership conscious or ego driven?

Whether we're attuned to it or not, ego is a natural part of being a human being.

Ego left unchecked however, can be detrimental to how we lead and our ability to build healthy relationships.

Our ego is developed in early childhood, fundamentally it's what helps us develop a sense of self, it's who 'I' am - it's the vantage point by which we move through the world.

When we attune too much to 'I' as the centre of the universe we can become egoistic without even recognising it. 

Understanding when our ego is motivating us, through recognising behaviours associated with the ego is the first step to consciously shifting our leadership.

Self-Confident Vs Ego Driven Leadership

Cultivating more mindful presence in our Leadership can help us seize opportunities to override our ego and choose curiosity and connection instead. 

In the first We Are Human Leaders podcast episode of 2023, we had the privilege to learn from Diana Chapman, Co-Director of Conscious Leadership Group, about attuning to conscious leadership through developing our ability to be present in the moment.

Through staying open, being curious and inviting play, Diana and her team have taught Leaders from around the world to be more connected and conscious in their leadership.

We invite you to try the process for yourself.

Listen to the podcast


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