Let’s Improve How We Work: Contribute to Important Research Today

Take Part in Global Burnout Study: Contribute to Important Research

Change is the only constant. At the moment, change is so constant that for many, stress has become normalized to the point of being chronic. When it goes unaddressed, chronic stress at work can lead to a debilitating syndrome known as burnout.

At Human Leaders, preventing burnout is one of our key driving missions. 

To help us do so, please contribute to key research by doing this survey.

Burnout affects us all

Even if you’re not in burnout, burnout affects us all. Its implications for work culture and productivity are devastating. Not to mention the impact of millions of burnt out people on communities and society.

By taking a few minutes to do this survey, you’re contributing to research that will help establish strategic, preventative solutions to burnout.

Be the change you seek

To contribute, please do and share this short, anonymous survey. No individual responses will be shared and data will only be used for research purposes. And of course, we’ll share the study results with you when they’re available in February.

Ready to make a difference? The survey period closes very soon. Provide your insights and let’s end burnout together.


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