Play On: the Payoff of Play for Leaders and Teams

This might come as a surprise, but work and play are not mutually exclusive. In fact, humans are inherently playful. Play is how we continue to innovate and evolve. So what can play mean for leadership and business outcomes?

In the latest episode of the We Are Human Leaders podcast, we explore the impact of play in the workplace with play expert Dara Simkin.

“Play has a PR problem”

As Dara explains, we tend to think of play as being frivolous and a distraction, when in fact it’s a driver of innovation and intentionality. When we incorporate ‘purposeful play’ as leaders, we integrate key aspects of those playful experiences into how we work as individuals and together as a team.

Don’t be afraid to improv

Dara suggests leaders lean into techniques from creative fields like improv. “In business, you're improvising all the time. There's so much uncertainty that you're literally having to adapt constantly. And so if you don't have the skills to improvise, you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities to lead with purpose.” 

She suggests using the classic improve prompt “Yes, and” during meetings to stimulate playful, creative thought and drive authenticity. 

If you’re nervous about bringing play to your team, Dara has a helpful reminder: play is contagious. “You can have the most uptight leader. But if you look them in the eye and you ask them, do you want to feel joy? They're not going to say no.” 

How to Press Play

Looking to experience more play in your own life? Here’s Dara’s quick tip:

“Ask yourself: what brings me joy? Take five minutes to write it down. Come up with as many things as you possibly can. There's no right or wrong answer. And give yourself permission to feel joy, every day.” 

Dara Simkin is pioneering a new era of work through the power of play. She’s founder and Chief Play Officer at Culture Hero, a speaker and a thought leader on the intersection of work and play.


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