Here’s our favourite recent We Are Human Leaders podcast episodes!

Slow down, listen in and relax to the episodes we’re loving most lately.

Here's a few recent Human Leaders podcast episodes we think you'll love catching up on over the weekend:

  • Mind Body Wisdom - exploring the true meaning of what it means to live mindfully, and unpacking the illusion of control with Professor Ellen Langer.

  • Fixing Friction - understanding the difference between good and back friction in the workplace with Huggy Rao.

  • Becoming Future Fit - the strategies and mindset leaders need to get future fit and stay adaptable and flexible in the face of change with Friska Wirya.

  • Leading with Vulnerability - how to effectively use vulnerability as a leader, and the distinct different between being vulnerable and leading with vulnerability with Jacob Morgan.

  • Unseen Leaders - how the celebrated historical leaders of the past don't always present the best leadership traits with Martin Gutmann Ph.D.

  • Built in Bias - understanding the inherit biases in AI technology and what do to about it with Tracey Spicer.

We've learnt from six of the world's leading experts in these skills, and through these We Are Human Leaders podcast conversations you'll gain comprehensive insight into how you can gain these skills, too.

Listen to our favourite recent We Are Human Leaders podcast episodes right here..


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