Top Leadership Quotes round up for the week by Alexis Zahner

Every week we round up the top leadership quotes from Alexis Zahner and Sally Clarke on Human Leadership. These are Leadership Quotes that our Human Leaders community love, resonate with and have shared the most. Our leadership quotes are about inspiring and encouraging you to lead with courage and Human Leadership. Feel welcome to share these to your social networks too, and tag Human Leaders!

Wellbeing leadership quote by Alexis Zahner on LinkedIn.

Human beings may be complex creatures, but when it comes to having our needs met at work, we drastically overcomplicate this.

Expensive gym memberships, mindfulness seminars, and bougee staff cafeteria's are all great ADD ONS, but if the basics aren't dialled, your employee's could still be struggling.

Let me attempt to simplify this. To fundamentally improve employee wellbeing three core needs to be present at work: Enough money, a manageable workload, and supportive leadership.

All else comes after this.

Get these three things right and I promise you that how your employees experience work will improve, boosting their wellbeing along with it.

What are you thoughts on this, is employee wellbeing this simple?

employeewellbeing employeeexperience wellbeing mentalhealth leadership

Employee Wellbeing Leadership Quote by Alexis Zahner on LinkedIn.

Wellbeing is arguably not the responsibility of a workplace. However as Sally Clarke, Ryan Hopkins and myself discussed on We Are Human Leaders podcast recently, it IS the responsibility of a workplace not to negatively impact a person's wellbeing.

According to Gallup research, career wellbeing is just one of six wellbeing criteria people need meet in order to thrive.

To create career wellbeing for people, leaders need to consider how they can:

✨ Remove toxic and abusive behaviours from the workplace
✨ Support people to find and use their strengths at work
✨ Ensure wellbeing is embedded at all levels, and conducive to career development (not a disadvantage!)
✨ Create a culture where managers are coaches
✨ Ensure employee workload is sustainable, and doesn't negatively impact on people's capacity to thrive in the other five components of wellbeing

This World Wellbeing Week 2023 it's important that we go beyond the easy-to-do wellbeing 'solutions' to really identify and prioritise measurable and quantifiable changes to ensure wellbeing is an outcome of of how we work.

What are your thoughts on how work impacts wellbeing - where do we need to shift the dial to create positive and sustainable change? Share with me below!

worldwellbeingweek2023 employeewellbeing workplacewellbeing wellbeing

Leadership Quote on burnout by Alexis Zahner on LinkedIn.

Change is the only constant.

At the moment, change is so constant that for many, stress has become normalized to the point of being chronic.

When it goes unaddressed, chronic stress at work can lead to a debilitating syndrome known as burnout.

At Human Leaders, preventing burnout is one of our key driving missions.

Even if you’re not in burnout, burnout affects us all.

Its implications for work culture and productivity are devastating.

Not to mention the impact of millions of burnt out people on communities and society.

Addressing burnout effectively will take collective action, at all levels. It's all of our responsibility.

My colleagues Sally Clarke, John Chan, Ph.D. and their research team are conducting the Global Burnout Study 2024 for a fourth year running, and we need your help to collect valuable data to shine light on this issue.

Even if you're not in burnout, please contribute to the research by doing the survey here:

And stay tuned for the latest report due in February 2024!

burnout workplaceburnout workplacewellbeing chronicstress mentalhealth

Leadership quote by Alexis Zahner on LinkedIn.

Last week I asked this question to my LinkedIn community, and this was the response I got.

67% of folks think workplaces should take responsibility for employee wellbeing, with another 27% saying at least some responsibility lies with the workplace.

💡That's a whopping 94% of folks that think the workplace should take some or all responsibility for employee wellbeing💡

Yet, employee wellbeing remains one of the most challenging issues organisations are facing right now.

What do you think are the key ways workplaces need to be addressing employee wellbeing and where are we still going wrong? Please share your thoughts with me below.

💡We unpacked this very subject with Deloitte Future of Wellbeing Leader (now Chief Impact Officer at JAAQ.) Ryan Hopkins on the We Are Human Leaders podcast this week! It was an insightful, data-driven and hugely practical conversation - catch it on all major streaming platforms!

Leadership quote by Alexis Zahner about wellbeing on LinkedIn.

Here's the thing: Even with the best intentions, you won't promote employee wellbeing if people are drowning in the work itself.

Wellbeing is an OUTCOME of ensuring the contributing factors to wellbeing at work are managed appropriately.

Wellbeing is EXPERIENCED by your employees when their workloads are manageable, they are connected and inspired by their work, they feel supported and have healthy interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

Wellbeing isn't something you GET by doing seminars, giving away gym memberships or making the office über comfy with fancy furniture - people won't be able to experience the benefits of these things if they're constantly overloaded, stressed and/or in toxic environments.

Getting the basics of wellbeing right first is critical:
✨Are people adequately challenged but still able to manage their workload?
✨Do people feel like they're contributing to something meaningful?
✨Are people supported in your workplace to do their best work?
✨Do you encourage healthy team behaviours, and stamp out toxic ones?

We spend almost HALF of our waking hours at work, if work is actively damaging our wellbeing it impacts our entire lives.

We took a deep dive into all things workplace wellbeing on the recent We Are Human Leaders podcast episode with Future of Wellbeing Leader Ryan Hopkins and it was illuminating to say the least! Listen to the full episode here:

Share with me your thoughts below, what workplace wellbeing initiatives have you seen work really well and why?

wellbeingatwork workplacewellbeing humanleadership employeewellbeing


Top Leadership Quotes round up for the week by Sally Clarke


You Matter: the Impact of Recognition