How the Human Leaders community learned in 2022

2022 has been a huge year for the Human Leaders global community. It was our first year as an online movement of leaders who are making work a place where humans, business and society can thrive. And we are thrilled to see how the community has responded, interacted and evolved. Together.

Here's our year in review!

How Human Leaders learn and grow, together

  • Each month, we’ve hosted a live expert guest on topics ranging from burnout, to grief and loss, to emotional regulation and heart intelligence.

  • We’ve facilitated deeply moving community conversations: open and honest sharings between two community members on their experience and insights as a leader and a human.

  • We’ve led leadership circles: safe spaces for Human Leaders to gather and share on issues related to the topic of the month.

  • We’ve launched the DEI Group within the online platform, with more coming in 2023.

  • We’ve built a powerful bank of resources and tools in our online platform, to which members have 24-7 access.

  • We’ve brainstormed, problem-solved and connected with fellow Human Leaders from 22 countries, all at

Research shows that we learn better when we learn in community, from each other. 

As an online global community, Human Leaders evolve their leadership through sharing with and listening to the diverse group of fellow Human Leaders. With all the benefits of asynchronous learning as well as powerfully connective live sessions, Human Leaders is a unique environment in which to evolve your learning and your leadership.

Our community of Human Leaders is constantly learning and evolving. Are you ready to do the same, in 2023?

Join us in 2023!


Burnout is rife. It’s also preventable


Burnout is Rife. It’s also Preventable.